College Tips and Tricks
I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree back in 2015, but I am currently pursuing my Master’s. Here are tips and tricks that helped me get through college and continue to help me today!
Grades App
I always want to know how I am doing in my classes. As soon as I get the course syllabus I enter in the assignments, tests, quizzes and projects and their percentages into my grades app. Enter in the grade you would like to receive, then the app calculates your current grade and what you need on everything else to receive the grade you want! This is the one I am currently using is free and can be downloaded on the Apple App Store (I’m sure there is something similar on Google Play)
Sounds old school but get a planner! I need a planner to know when my assignments are due. It helps me to remember better when I write things down and a planner just helps me to plan out my week and how I will fit in my school work. If a planner is not your style, you can always utilize your calendar app and set reminders for yourself. I just like having the planner to look at and write in.
Lets face it, books are EXPENSIVE!! Especially if you buy all of your books through your school book store. I have saved so much money by using book rental websites. The two sites I have used are Chegg and Book Renter (which I can no longer find). There are now more options out there that I have not tried, but both have been great! You can rent your textbook for the semester at a much cheaper cost, return the book in the same box they sent it in and that’s it! Just make sure you don’t lose track of your book so you avoid having to buy it! You also get a period (I believe 1 or 2 weeks from book arrival) to return your book and get your money back if you don’t end up using it. For the books that you can find on these sites, I highly recommend renting them!
Signing up for Classes
Do your research! You don’t want to be stuck in a harder class than you need to be or with a harder instructor than other options. If you have friends who have taken the classes you need to take, ask for their recommendations. When you don’t have that luxury, check Rate My Professors! This is a great website that has ratings and comments about professors at many different schools. If you are at a big college, you will more than likely be able to find your professor (especially if they have been teaching for a little while). This has saved me from signing up for classes with the wrong instructor! Note: Comments are biased, use your best judgement.
Homework Help
Two websites I use for math help are Wolfram Alpha and Chegg Study. Both of these websites show step by step solutions for homework problems. Wolfram Alpha is more reliable for step by step solutions for math problems. Chegg Study is best for a variety of different types of homework solutions with explanations. Chegg Study also allows you to ask a question and wait for an expert answer. Both come at a cost, but are cheaper then hiring a tutor or having to take a class again! Chegg Study is $14.99 a month and Wolfram Alpha Pro with step by step solutions is only $4.99 a month.
Take Advantage of Classes at Community Colleges
When you can, I recommend taking some classes at a Community College even if you are at a University. Classes at Community Colleges are typically easier and cheaper! I took all of my gen ed English classes, my Foreign Language (2 Spanish Classes), a Psychology class, and a few of my Math classes at Community Colleges. They were MUCH easier! Make sure your credits transfer properly towards your degree at the university by scheduling an appointment with your advisor (before you take a class at the community college). If you are going to school in Arizona, I recommend looking at AZ Transfer, this is what I used to see course equivalency.
General Tips
-Make Friends in your classes. Even if you are an introvert, building a support system and a network where you can help each other with homework is always better than struggling through it alone!
-Ask for help when you need it, as soon as you need it! Ask friends, TAs, your professor. Get a tutor if you need it, the sooner the better because you don’t want to fall behind!
-If you see a conflict with your schedule and your school schedule let your professor know well in advance (this will help them understand the situation and will hopefully make them willing to work with you)
-Get to know your instructor: Pop into office hours every now and then or introduce yourself (especially in a large class). I noticed I get more help and understanding from professors who have an idea of who I am.
-Take advantage of study groups and tutoring services offered by your college. If they are free and they help you with your schoolwork they are worth it!